Have you been surfing online to find the best insurance rates? Do you need to know what each type of insurance entails and whether you need it or not? Then you’ve come to the right place. Enhanced Insurance has all the resources you need.
We use our expertise in the insurance industry and experience with companies to analyze the different insurers’ product offerings. We do in-depth research so that you can make the best-informed decision about your insurance needs and insurer.
Many insurers promise the world. Unfortunately, when you want to claim, they look for restrictive conditions as to why they shouldn’t pay out. We know – we’ve been there.
That’s why we set up Enhanced Insurance. We want to ensure that our readers can insure themselves with confidence.
We work a little differently from most. Instead of creating lists of the top ten insurers, we start with a master list. This list can be sorted in a number of ways, allowing you to narrow the results as you like.
Who We Are and Why You Should Trust Us
We are a group of friends who used to work in the financial services industry, primarily in insurance. After a while, we realized there was a huge lack of education about insurance. That’s why we formed our small company with the aim of not only selling insurance but also educating others on how it worked.
We continued to grow by adopting a customer-centric approach. For us, matching you with the right product has nothing to do with the commission. It’s about helping you secure your financial future. If that means selling one policy instead of a whole spectrum of products, so be it.
It wasn’t long before we realized that our model had excellent potential beyond the pure business side. We can’t sell insurance to everyone on the planet. But what we can do is give people the resources they need to make the right decisions for themselves.